Andrian Candu about the manners that should be respected during the election campaign: The electoral struggle has already begin
The political parties that attend the elections should obey some rules during the election campaign. This opinion belongs to Andrian Candu, the President of the Parliament.
"The parties that participate at the elections should obey the legislation of the country. At the same time it is an international practice and especially valid for Europe, the Council of Europe, the Venice Commission and the OSCE, those responsible for monitoring elections, suggest and come up with suggestions for a code of conduct for electoral contestants during the exercise democratic elections.
It is not for the first time that such a code exists, as we know the CEC in its previous activities related to other elections, they were launching other ideas.
We believe that a tough electoral struggle is already started, sometimes with the overcoming of emotions and red lines, and it would probably be very good for those electoral competitors to have those lines in terms of ethics. Political struggle involves political struggle and we all have to behave within certain ethical limits.
We ask for a code of ethics for media sources and all who will be campaigning for the Electoral Campaign. We see that it is also a confrontation between televisions. There must be certain limits", said Andrian Candu, Parliament Speaker.
We remind that the PDM asked the Central Electoral Commission and the Audiovisual Coordination Council to make the Code of Conduct during the electoral campaign available to future electoral contestants as soon as possible.
Democrats say they are ready to sign this document at any time. The request comes after, according to PDM, some parties and NGOs have violated electoral legislation, thus trying to influence the outcome of next year's election.