Andrian Candu: New laws benefit citizens only when implemented well
Andrian Candu has underlined the main issues discussed at the common session between the Parliament and Government.
He also enumerated all their actions, successes and what they have not managed to do.
"Today we spoke of everything we both managed to do and what we couldn't, as well as why it was not done, to solve the issue. We mentioned the responsibilities we took upon ourselves in from of the people and those new plans we wrote on paper. What we owe to our international partner, the International Monetary Fund and European Union, based on the three signed documents: list of priorities for the Government, second action plan and the Parliament's legislation plan. In 2016 we managed to cover ground we couldn't before and we hope to continue with this speed, to also cover what we haven't managed to do in 2017. The committee will suggest actions the Parliament and Government need to take in order to attain their common goals."
Andrian Candu has also mentioned that every week the Parliament will hold hearings.
"New law works for the citizens only when implemented well. Stating next week, the Parliament will hold hearings every week. We have not only synchronized our agendas, but have also discussed details regarding the National Integrity Agenda, what it plans and what will be its aims. We have opened the topic of combating corruption and the strategy approved by the Parliament. We have discussed projects regarding the banking fraud, the organized platform and human trafficking."