Better loans conditions within Livada Moldovei project
The horticulturists will benefit of advantageous conditions to take out loans within the project ''Livada Moldovei''.
The procedures were simplified after the authorities announced they have 110 million euros for those who want cheap loans within the program ''Livada Moldovei''. The projects provides that the beneficiary need to contribute with 50% of the funds, to equip the orchards with irrigation systems and to diversify the market.
''We brought different funding opportunities, the leasing that would solute the problem created the Grant Funding that would guarantee the credits, without pledge .''
In 2016, the European Bank for Investments offered a credit of 120 million euros for Moldova. Till the present moment, only 15 manufactures benefited of credits in sum of 10 million euros. According to the executive director of the ''Livada Moldovei'' project, the farmers didn't request for help, because they were scared of the pledges. Thus, there were created new conditions to facilitate the credit access. The Government will sign the cooperation relationship with many banks.
The credits will be offered for a ten years period, on a four year period of guarantee. The interest rate will be 5,5%.
''We will concentrate on the irrigation and hail systems of the horticulture plantations. The modernization of this process has the target to develop the infrastructure of the fresh products.''
At the beginning of 2018, the European Bank of Investments will offer 2 million euros to realize the project. According to the statistics, in Moldova there are more than 100 thousand of farmers who activate in the horticulture sphere.