Cab Driver risks imprisonment after he forgot where his car was and declared it stolen
A 33-year-old taxi driver from Dubăsari district is investigated for false claims. According to law enforcement, while drunk, the man claimed that his car was stolen and requested the Capital Police's help in finding it, while in truth, the car was parked on Maria Drăgan Street and belonged to a taxi company from the Capital.
Therefor, investigators have opened a case to establish all circumstances, finding out more details than the cab driver declared.
According to them, the man has drunk with a friend alcoholic drinks in Orhei, afterward his friend drove him to Chişinău. On the way, the two were pulled over by patrol officers and documented as according to the procedure, while the car taken to a Vehicle impoundment, for drunk driving. Respectively the driver couldn't remember where the car was taken to, as he was extremely drunk.
The cab driver risks an up to 13 thousand lei fine, 180 to 240 hours of unpaid community service, or up to 2 years of imprisonment. In all cases with restrictions from owning certain jobs for the next 2 years.