Car imports generate tax revenues of half a billion lei
foto: Symbolic //
Revenues of about half a billion lei have been poured into the state budget from taxing car imports in 2017.
Almost 20,000 cars have been customs cleared by paying a lower excise taxes. They were introduced into the country till November 2016, while the excise levied was only 30%.
Most of them were previously registered in Bulgaria and Lithuania, about 5,738.
2,358 vehicles with number plates issued on the left bank of the Dniester yielded taxes amounting to 55.1 million lei.
Starting from July 1, the owners of foreign cars have the right to stay in Moldova no longer than 180 days.
Only foreign residents will enjoy the right to keep their cars longer, but will pay a road toll of 180 euros for every 180 days of staying in Moldova.