Child Labor: 22 cases confirmed in first three months of 2018. Most victims come from vulnerable families
22 cases of child labor were confirmed in only the first three months of the year.
Statistics shows that the numbers are increasing, as law enforcement became more skilled in discovering such cases.
According to Center for Combating Human Trafficking, more than half of the victims were girls that were sexually exploited.
"Practicing sexual activities such as infantile pornography. Those videos are meant to make an income" deputy chief of Center for Combating Human Trafficking, Sergiu Olșancschi said.
According to the police, most of the children forced to work came from vulnerable families.
"It is not normal for a child to be forced to work by their parents, which can obviously be considered a crime" Sergiu Olșancschi stated.
"If the labor is meant to develop certain skills for children, such as concentration, attention and are willingly made, then it is alright. But if such activities are beginning to overwhelm the child and are becoming their main occupation, it can crush them" psychologist Vitalie Popescu explained.
12th June marks World Day Against Child Labour.