Chisinau suburbs helped by Capital to deal with snow
Silvia Radu, the interim of the Capital convoked the session of the suburbs. They asked for nonskid material to remove the main roads from the villages.
The suburbs' mayors said that all the nonskid material provisions were used. Also, they discussed that the wagons with salt from Belarus are already on their way.
"Now, we have only 800 tones of nonskid material. This is not enough. The rest of the nonskid material is on its way. It will arrive at the end of the week. If the weather turns to worse. we are in danger. Today, we received 100 tones of nonskid material", said Adrian Boldurescu, EXDEUPO director.
The suburbs mayors talked about the danger on the roads without nonskid material. Also, within today's session, Silvia Radu urged the mayors of the suburbs to ask the economic agents to give more winter service vehicles.
PUBLIKA.MD reminds that the Yellow Code for sharp weather change will expire on Thursday, March 22. In the following days, the temperature will reach 9 degrees below zero.