Customs service is hiring. What expectations do they have from new employees
30 candidates applied for 5 offices within the South Customs Bureau. They were approved to the written stage of the competition that took place yesterday at the Central Customs Apparatus. It was assisted by Vitalie Vrabie, general director of Customs Service and President of the Competition.
The chief of the Customs talked with the candidates about the responsibilities of a customs employee to provide the economic security of the country. This is why the institution has big expectations from its employees.
"The professionalism and integrity are the most important values and those who encroach the rules are fired", warned Vitalie Vrabie.
The General Director of the Customs wished luck to those who intend to be employed within the customs and urged them to be conscious with the service rules.
Another job competition is organized in the North Customs Bureau for 14 available positions. All the announcements were posted on the web page of the Customs Service.
Directorul General al Vămii le-a urat mult succes celor care aspiră să acceadă în sistemul vamal și i-a îndemnat să adopte o atitudine conștiincioasă față de îndatoririle de serviciu.
The competition has three stages: filling the application, the written stage and the interview.