Democratic Party from Moldova announce their priorities for next four years
The Democratic Party from Moldov announced the priorities fro the next coalition.
Vladimir Cebotari, the vice-president of DPM declared that the party sent letters to PPDA and PAS to invite them to negotiations in order to create a parliamentary coalition.
"We consider that they still can't get rid of the elections emotions fever. We count on their responsibility and maturity, because this is what our citizens need. The emotions will not build roads and sewerage, won't increase the salaries and improve the business field. Only the rationality can make all of us find the necessary consensus to build a coalition", said Vladimir Cebotari, the vice-president of DPM.
Cebotari reiterated that DPM wants to continue the national projects that they started, such as: Good Roads, Good Water, First House, the pensions, salaries reform.
At the same time, Cebotari highlighted that these reforms can only continue if the coalition that will govern Moldova will be responsible. We don't have to admit snap elections.
Then, the DPM vice president read the main principles of political cooperation that will be the basis of the negotiations.
a) Putting the interests of Moldovan citizens and their desire to have a better life in Moldova;
b) The sincere commitment of the political forces and the deputies of the future government to the political, social and economic stability of Moldova;
c) Total Commitment for the Independence, Unity and Territorial Integrity of the Republic of Moldova;
d) Adoption of political orientation For Moldova, which will prevail over any other party or personal political orientation;
e) Implementation of the Association Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union and the realization of all reforms according to the best Western models, in the interest and for the construction of the Republic of Moldova's welfare;
f) Supporting democratic values, including and especially - freedom of expression and freedom of the press, economic freedom, equality of citizens before the law, respect for all ethnic communities in the country;
g) Defining a set of common priorities for action for the next four years, preserving the political identity and values of each party and deputy;
h) making decisions strictly on the basis of consensus between parties;
i) Concentrating political action on subjects of great interest and not addressing issues that divide society or do not enjoy popular majority support;
j) Creating a model for a better functional relationship between the various components of state power, as well as between central and local public authorities;
Starting with these principles, DPM considers that the next governance should take into consideration the following priorities:
1. Living condition, social protection and medicine. In this respect, we will focus on increasing the incomes of citizens, salaries and pensions, based on the further economic development of the Republic of Moldova. We will offer family support by introducing a supplementary monthly allowance for children, as well as by increasing the birth allowance. We will develop medicine by providing physicians with all localities, by increasing citizens' access to compensated and free medicines, by improving hospital infrastructure and emergency medicine. We will address the issue of migration and encourage the return of our citizens to the country.
2. Free and modern market economy with social responsibility. We will create new jobs based on internal and foreign investment, providing new business facilities and reducing bureaucracy. We will support agriculture by increasing the subsidy fund as well as by increasing access to foreign markets. We will support the modernization, technology and digitization of the national economy, as well as the processes of interaction between the citizen and the public authorities.
3. Justice and fight against corruption. We will prove no tolerance for corruption, ensure the implementation of integrity policies, increase the quality of justice, protect property rights, and reduce unwarranted public authorities' influence on free business and private life.
4. Modern society with better infrastructure, quality education, new technologies and environmental care. We will develop infrastructure, especially road infrastructure, water and sewage infrastructure, including through the continuation of Good Road for Moldova, Good Water projects. We will solve the waste issue. We will increase the quality of education by upgrading the educational infrastructure, better stimulation of teachers and improving curricula. We will support modern information technologies and promote environment-friendly policies.
5. Patriotism and place of Moldova in Europe and the world. We will strengthen patriotism among citizens as a basis for increasing people's trust in the Republic of Moldova and for further enhancing interethnic relations. The implementation of the Moldova-EU Association Agreement is the major concern to be honored, and the pace of action will be enhanced. We will lead a multi-sectoral foreign policy, but developing relations with our neighbors, especially with Romania and Ukraine, will be a priority. We will increase the work in our relations to promote the interests of the Republic of Moldova, the citizens and the Moldovan business environment vis-à-vis the United States of America, the Russian Federation and other CSI countries and China, but we will also establish relations with other states of the emerging economies. We will continue the efforts for the peaceful reunification of the Republic of Moldova under the conditions of preservation of the sovereign and unitary status of the country.