Eight schools from Transnistria will each receive a 100 000 lei assistance
Eight schools from Transnistria, teaching in the Latin alphabet, will each receive an assistance worth 100 000 lei. This is foreseen within the country's Reintegration Program for 2018, approved today by the Government.
After a competition where projects were presented by local and central public authorities, 49 suggestions will be financed. They foresee the rehabilitation and supplying the educational and medical institutions, buildings and sewage maintenance works, as well as illumination of localities.
"We wish to take care of the people living in Transnistria. We are concerned not about the authorities from Tiraspol, but the people living in that region, as they are our citizens" PM Pavel Filip mentioned.
Therefore, 23 localities will receive 5.7 million lei for renovation works and to extend the street lighting. Over 6 million lei will be offered for rehabilitation of multiple schools, kindergartens, cultural centers and sewage. At the same time, over 2 million lei will be used to manage markets and recreation area from villages.
Those actions will improve the living conditions of the people from Transnistria and will consolidate the trust between people from both banks of Dniester river.
This year, a total of 15 million lei will be given for the rehabilitation of educational institutions and realize infrastructure projects in Transnistria.