Empty markets! Ambulant merchants refuse to sell their goods in markets
Many bus stations are filled with merchants. Even if the municipality arranged some special places for them, they don't use those.
"-Who don't you sell the products in the special arranged places?"
"It is my first time here."
The representatives of the Centru Branch say that many refuse to sell in the authorized places, because they don't have documents on the goods.
"They should have the household permission. They are just intermediars. They go to the Calea Basarabiei market and buy the goods", said Pavel Rusu, the Branch of Centru sector.
Even if the markets were arranged two weeks ago, only three people asked for selling authorization.
"Is is one of the six locations where the billboards were installed", said Sergiu Andrian, the chief of social-economic direction of Centru branch.
The merchants who have their documents in order say that they obey the requirements, because they don't want to pay the bills.
"All of us paid fines sometimes. I don't want to pay fines, so I decided to make the authorization."
The Capital residents think that the authorities should implement harsher rules and people will obey those.
"They don't respect the sanitation rules."
Starting this year, the Center branch fined over 100 such sellers.