Expenditure in sectors to be established for the next three years
The ministry of Economy and Infrastructure initiated a process of elaborating the Budgetary Framework for Medium Term, for the following three years. The session was chaired by the General Secretary of the Economy and Infrastructure Ministry, Iulia Costin.
The sector strategies of the costs take part of the CBTM and represent the first phase of the budgetary process, the period when the fiscal politics is established, the resources frameworks and the budget management.
Thus, through the Order of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, four working groups were set up to develop sectoral spending strategies for 2019-2021 in such areas as: energy, private sector development, quality infrastructure and consumer protection, transport and road infrastructure. Each Working Group has as chairman, a state secretary in the field concerned, and as the vice-president - the head of the branch branch.
The working group contains representatives from the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, institutions under the Ministry's jurisdiction and other interested institutions (Ministry of Finance, State Chancellery, Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment), trade unions, employers, scientists, as well as representatives of local public authorities.
During the meeting it was established that the members of the working group will forward ideas to update the sectoral expenditure strategies of the targeted branch subdivisions, taking into consideration the political priorities for 2019 - 2021 and preliminary expenditure limit established for each sector.
It was also established that by the end of this month, the Ministry of Finance will receive the final version of the sectoral expenditure strategies, with a notice from State Chancellery for each of them and suggestions forwarded by members of the working group.