Fake documents revealed at customs. Owners will be fined
Cahul, Leuseni, Sculeni and Lipcani border policemen revealed the plans of five passengers using fake IDs.
The citizens risk to be fined.
In Cahul border crossing, the border policemen revealed two Ukraine citizens using fake documents. One of them had a Romanian fake ID that he bought for 200 Euro. The second one had a fake Ukraine driving license. At the hearings, the man recognized that in 2008 he lost his driving license, which made him buy a fake one. He paid 3.300 hrivne for it.
At Leusine customs, a Moldovan had a Romanian fake ID that he should have gave to a friend of thim in Germany.
At Sculeni cutoms, the police revealed a fake Romanian ID.
The last person who had a fake document was a Romanian citizen in Lipcani border crossing.