Father Maxim Melinti publicly apologized within a press conference, as requested by the Metropolis
Father Maxim Melinti from the Ghidighici Church has publicly apologized, as the Metropolis of Moldova requested. The priest apologized to Bishop Vladimir and all those who were insulted when he received a diploma defending the rights of sexual minorities.
Still, the priest claimed that he doesn't believed to have breached any religious laws and that the Metropolis have forbidden him from holding service without a public hearing.
"I apologize. Yes, I am sorry to not have loved more than I could have. I am sorry to sometimes lack the patient to listen to some people who needed it" Maxim Melinti said.
At the same time, the priest claims that he will continue to be tolerant to others, regardless of their virtues or sexual preferences.
"I also see people suffering from HIV, from tuberculosis, hepatitis, drug users. Many members from the LGBT community have confessed to me. They knew they wished their voice to be heard" Maxim Melinti added.
Representatives of the Metropolis of Moldova declared that they will consider the declarations made today, while Bishop Vladimir will following decide if the priest will gain back the right to hold services.
"It is good that father Maxim has publicly expressed his regrets and seeks forgiveness" Bishop John of Soroca, Vicar of the Metropolitan Church of Moldova said.
Meanwhile, people from Ghidighici cannot wait for their priest to return.
"We wish him to return very much."
"I have seen when at the church. He has been a servant of God for the past 7 years."