Final preparations for Easter. The smell of tsoureki and lamb can be felt in nearly every house from Moldova
The smell of tsoureki and lamb can be felt today in nearly every house from Moldova. Preparations begun since the Maundy Thursday, when fire was kindled in ovens and the eggs were dyed. The food will be sanctified this night. The tradition is also respected by Sobcu family, from Ghidighici village. The household also came with a few recommendations of how the meat needs to be cooked.
"You put onion, garlic, a branch of sour cherry, bay leaves and like any other meat, spices. It is cooked for two hours with white wine."
Aspic is boiling, the lamb is crisping, all that is left are the meatballs. Natalia claims that she is using a recipe that belonged to her mother.
"Garlics and onions make the meatballs special, more spicy and delicate. Each woman is always cooking by their own recipe. The mothers are always the ones to pass on the most special recipes to their daughters!"
The woman was helped by the family's middle child, Andrieş. The boy claims that Easter is the best holiday of the year.
"-It smell amazing! -Do you like it? -Yes. -You cannot wait to enjoy the feast Andrei? -Of course! -I am glad."
"We rub our cheeks with white and red eggs. When you do that you must be smart and well-behaved."
The child also recited a poem about Resurrection of Jesus.
"Our Lord died on Good Friday,
But the cross did not destroy
His resurrection on Easter morn
That fills our hearts with joy."
The family has also already prepared a basked that will be taken to be sanctified.
"The basket contains traditional cheese, eggs, lamb. Those items must always be present, it is a tradition."
According to the customs, on Easter Vigil, each worshiper must bring home a candle lit with the Holy Fire to mark the Resurrection of Jesus.