First Center to host children in vulnerable situations was inaugurated
In Chisinau was inaugurated the first Center that will host children in vulnerable situations such as: vagabondage, domestic violence or adolescents fleeing from home for various reasons. The institution is in Rascani sector of the capital and has the capacity to accommodate about 15 beneficiaries. According to city hall officials, children will benefit from a warm lunch, clothing and medical or psychological assistance.
The center will be active 7 days a week, but children will be able to come in from 08:00 until 24:00. Thus, beneficiaries will not be able to whisper here. The institution is equipped with a gym, a kitchen, but also a few beds. The directors say they have already identified six beneficiaries.
"Children will receive social assistance, educational services, they will do sports, they will cook here to eat them. They already communicate with us, already tell us certain secrets", said Lucia Caciuc, interim director of DMPDC.
Totally, five employees will take care of children that needs help.
"I will take the child out, I will evaluate it, I will try to guide it and provide it with the necessary assistance so that it can finally return to the family", said Ana Morguleac, child protection specialist in conflict with the law.
Attending the event, the People's Rights Advocate says that children will become more open and able to communicate in this center.
"We have to teach them to develop their communication skills, to show them something else, because they need care, love and center, I hope that is exactly what they will offer, legal protection, social protection", said Maia Banarescu, People's Advocate for Children's Rights.
The center was opened with the financial support of the local authorities, but also of an Italian NGO who donated some of the furniture and some home appliances.
"Whether they are from the city or from the Republic of Moldova, if they are on our territory, we have to take care of them and we will take care of them. No matter the child's age, he may know that he is waiting for him here be cared for and here he will be safe", said Ruslan Codreanu, interim mayor of Chisinau.
The total budget of the center for the year 2019 is 1.2 million lei, out of which 390 thousand lei were allocated for the institution's rehabilitation, and the rest of the money will be reimbursed for maintenance of the assistance and salary center.