Ghenadie Cosovan: Renato Usatîi targets to destabilize situation of our country
Renato Usatii, the fugitive mayor of Balti infiltrated into Moldovan politics to destabilize the situation in the country. Moreover, he is not a leader of the opposition in Moldova, as he claims, but a simple pawn of Russian secret services. This was the opinion of the Fabrika's guests of last night.
"He has a role to destabilize the situation from our country. But, he is not a chief of a revolution", said Ghenadie Cosovan, former deputy minister of internal affairs.
Ghenadie Cosovan also urged the authorities to publish the names of the all people from our country whose mission is to destabilize the situation in Republic of Moldova.
"I want the General Prosecution to publish the list of our so called heroes. You can see that here we have heroes of Russian Federation and heroes of Cecenia war. Here we can mention Veaceslav Platon, Tariov, who is the chief of the Russian army from Transnistria", mentioned Ghenadie Cosovan, former deputy minister of internal affairs.
The guests of the talk-show consider that the Russian secret services act not only thorough such people as Usatii, but also through people who declare themselves pro Europeans.
"In many European Chancelleries, not only the European parliamentarians, the greats of these groups, which are financed by the special services of the money laundering, spoil the image of the Republic of Moldova. But it damages it very seriously ", said Victor Gurau, the director of the Alternative Center of Moldova.