Give blood, give health! Almost 200 residents of Hancesti donated blood to save lives
Over one hundred residents of Hancesti donated blood on the World Day of Blood Donation. Among them there are also mayors, doctors, policemen and young from villages.
Nicolae Burmei donates blood for more than 20 years. For the first time, he donated blood in 1978 in Belarus.
"I was coming even at 2 or 3 am to donate blood, if somebody needed it. Now, I donate four times a year", said Nicolae Burmei.
The mayors of Hancesti villages also came to donate. They received diplomas.
"I donate blood for already eight years", said Lucia Gustiuc, the mayor of Cotul Morii.
The young also came to donate.
When they donate, almost 450-500 ml of blood are collected. This quantity can save at least three people.
"The person who donates should be health or not to have illnesses that are transmitted by blood", said Liliana Buza, the chief of the Section of Blood transfusion.
Vladimir Punga knows what does it mean to live on a tightrope. The man suffered a surgery to the stomach.
"Due to the blood donation I am alive", said Vladimir Punga, resident of Hancesti.
The Hancesti district council decided to increase the sum of the tickets the donors benefit of.
"Now, the ticket is worth 150 lei. They will receive products and a present", said Ghenadie Buza, the president of Hancesti district.
The last year, almost 80 people donated blood in Hancesti district.