Good news for Moldovans! 43% more villages will have access to optical fiber
43 villages from the Republic of Moldova will have access to optical fiber. 45 million lei will be invested in this project.
This and other provisions are contained in the Broadband Development Program for the years 2018-2020 and in the Action Plan for its implementation, approved today by the Government. The documents set out the measures to be taken for the development of the new generation national electronic communications networks with national coverage so that the penetration rate of broadband access services will reach the level of the countries of the European Union.
Due to this program, all the villages from Moldova will have access to optical fiber of 30 Mbps. At the same time, 60% of the households will have access to Internet.
"We need to highlight the mobile networks - our common target is to install the optical fiber", said Pavel Filip, the prime minister of Molodva.
In this sense, there will be installed an existent communication network of cooper.
The implementation of the program will provide the access of the population to advanced services, that will increase the public administration and will facilitate the cooperation between the Government and the civil society. At the same time, the gap between the villages and the cities will be reduced.
According to the National Agency for Regulation in IT, 49% of the households have access to the Internet of high speed.