Government passes budget-funded seats for academic year 2018-2019
The government has approved staff training plans, with state budget funding, in higher education and technical institutions for the 2018-2019 academic year.
In the bachelor studies, 4906 people will be admitted to 167 specialties, a number of budget places similar to the one of last year. In line with labor market requirements, it is proposed to introduce several new specialties in the following fields: engineering and engineering, arts, agricultural sciences, health, sports sciences.
For master's studies, 2876 jobs will be financed from the budget, while 453 persons will be admitted to residential studies. For foreign students, 297 places will be reserved, including 255 - undergraduate and 42 - master.
In the secondary technical education institutions, 7073 persons will be admitted to the next academic year with budget financing, and 680 - with the payment of the study fee.
The admission plan for post-secondary technical and post-secondary non-tertiary technical education foresees the admission of 3759 students with budget funding and 7361 with the payment of the study fee. The project provides 305 budget-funded places for pedagogical specialties: early education and primary education.
The documents also provide for the further development of dual education. Secondary technical vocational education includes 1408 positions in this respect, increasing by 546 places compared to the previous year, and for non-tertiary post-secondary technical and post-secondary technical training programs, 160 places are planned.