Head of the Gynaecology ward form the Institute of Mother and Child is accused of malpractice, causing a patient to lose a kidney
Head of the Gynaecology ward form the Institute of Mother and Child risk to spend the next 3 behind bars. She is accused of malpractice, causing harm to one of her patients.
According to prosecutors in 2012, a woman from Teleneşti was hospitalized in Institute of Mother and Child, with intra-abdominal hemorrhage. She was brought from the regional hospital, where she gave birth a day before and underwent a few surgeries.
On the second day, after being hospitalized at the Institute of Mother and Child, head of the Gynaecology ward operated on the patient to stop the hemorrhage, but caused hydronephrosis secondary to the ureter lesion. Despite this, the woman was discharged a few days later, without a proper diagnosis or treatment.
Later, doctors established that the woman's right kidney failed, due to negligence and lack of proper medical care from doctors at the Institute of Mother and Child.
Evidence shows that not diagnosing the hydronephrosis immediately and prescribing a late treatment caused the patient's right kidney to fail. According to experts, this incident could have been prevented if the patient would have received proper medical care.
At the moment, the head of the Gynaecology ward from the Institute of Mother and Child is banned from leaving the country.
Throughout 2017, prosecutors opened 63 cases for malpractice, compared to the 49 from 2016.