Illegal business. Counterfeit goods seized at customs
Several batches of cutlery pans and cutlery sets with the renowned brand labels were removed from the commercial circuit after it was found to be counterfeit and infringing intellectual property rights on a trademark.
Thus, not only the interests of the rightholder, but also those of the consumers, who were at risk of buying counterfeit goods at the price of the original, were protected.
The counterfeit articles, imported by two different economic agents, were detected by the employees of Petricani and Cricova customs terminals, together with the specialists of the Service for the Protection of Intellectual Property. According to the documents, the goods were brought from China and the United Arab Emirates.
Altogether, 9,452 pans and 3,740 sets of cutlery made of stainless steel worth 450,000 lei.
According to the procedure, the right holder has been notified, which has the obligation to ensure the destruction of the counterfeit lots.
Thus, not only the interests of the rightholder, but also those of the consumers, who were at risk of buying counterfeit goods at the price of the original, were protected.
The counterfeit articles, imported by two different economic agents, were detected by the employees of Petricani and Cricova customs terminals, together with the specialists of the Service for the Protection of Intellectual Property. According to the documents, the goods were brought from China and the United Arab Emirates.
Altogether, 9,452 pans and 3,740 sets of cutlery made of stainless steel worth 450,000 lei.
According to the procedure, the right holder has been notified, which has the obligation to ensure the destruction of the counterfeit lots.