In our country was announced light interruptions. Which localities will remain without light
To improve customer service, QMS "RED UNION FENOSA" S.A. announces that on Wednesday, September 19, 2018, scheduled power supply interruptions will take place within the timeframes indicated below:
1. Chisinau, sector Botanica, t. bleeding:
A. Donici str., A. Mateevici, Stefan cel Mare, Chisinau, Dealul Leului, M. Eminecsu, Muncesti, Pecii - partly between 09:15 - 19:00, for reconstruction of the overhead power line
Stefan cel Mare Street, C. Negruzzi, Horelor, Liviu Damian, M. Costin, Orheiului, P. Zadnipru, Doinelor - partly between 09:30 and 19:00, for reconstruction of the overhead power line
2. Chisinau, Buiucani sector:
Ioana Radu str., 42 Lupu 42/2, 42/5, 42A-Z, 42, 46/4, 85 - between 09:00 and 17:00, for the reconstruction of the overhead power line
3. Chisinau, sector Buiucani, t. Fireplace:
Feroviarilor, Fîntîniţa, Grădinilor, Tinereţilor - partially between 09:00 and 17:00, for admission of third persons to electrical installations
Luceafărul str., Ştefan Vodă, M. Eminscu - partly between 09:00 and 17:00, for repair of electrical equipment
4. Chisinau, Buiucani sector, Dumbrava village:
Bot Mihail Street, Villa Road, Durlesti, Fountains, Frumoasa, Igor Vieru, John the Baptist, M. Cibotari, M. Sadoveanu, Mitr. Petru, Friendship, Rareştii, Sf. Gheorghe, Teilor, Vierul, Zăvoiului - partially between 09:00 and 18:00, for reconstruction of the overhead power line
5. Chisinau, Buiucani sector, Truseni village:
27 August, Dm. Cantemir, GH. Coşbuc, M. Frunze, Precup - partially between 09:35 - 18:00, for reconstruction of the overhead power line
6. Chisinau, Center sector:
13, 19B, 19-23, 34-48, 9001, 391, 391, 39A, 41A, 41 - between 11:00 and 19:00 for the admission of third persons to electrical installations
7. Chisinau, Center sector, Codru city:
Sihastru str. - partly in the time interval between 09:30 and 17:30, for the deforestation and cutting of the branches
Chisinau, Riscani sector:
Moscow 10/1, 10/2, 8 - between 13:00 and 17:00 for repair of electrical equipment
8 March 74-142, 83-87, 99-109, 121-123, 129-137, Builders 76-98, 102, 149-193 - between 09:15 - 18:00 for works reconstruction of the overhead power line
C. Stamati str. 12-16, Ion Doncev 2-22, Red Mill 3, 5, Zamfir Arbore 1-7, 2-6, str-Zamfir Arbore 3/1, 4, 7, 7A - within the time frame between 09:25 and 18:00, for reconstruction work on the overhead power line
Matei Basarab 10 - between 09:00 and 13:00, for repair of electrical equipment
9. Chisinau, sector Riscani, Cricova district:
31 August 1989, Albişoara, Alecu Russo, Alexei Mateevici, Bucuria, Chisinau, Chisinau str., Chisinau str., Ciorescu, Cricova, Dacia, Decebal, Decebal str., Doina, Florii, Gherman Titov, Ion Creangă, Ion Iachir, Iurie Gagarin, Freedom, Livezilor, Luceafărul, Lugovavaia, Mihai Eminescu, Miners, Miorita, Metropolitan Dosoftei, Nucarilor, Renaşterii, Serghei Lazo, Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt, Ştefan Neaga, Tineretului, Vasile Alecsandri, Veteranilor, Viilor , Viilor str-la - partly between 09:00 and 17:00, for grubbing and cutting works
Burebista str., Chisinau, Florii, Nucarilor, Petru Ungureanu, Serghei Lazo - partly between 09:00 and 18:00, for reconstruction of the overhead power line
10. Chişinău, Rîşcani sector, Grătieşti commune:
1 May, 31 August 1989, 8 March, Alba Iulia, Albişoara, Alecu Russo, Alexandru Cel Bun, Alexandru Donici, Alexandru Plămădeală, Alexei Mateevici, Andrei Mureşanu, Bogdan Petriceicu Haşdeu, Boris Glavan, Bucovinei, Calea-Orheiului, Carmanov , Catalan, Cismelelor, Constantin Brâncuşi, Constantin Stere, Doina and Ion Aldea-Teodorovici, Dragos Voda, Drumul Alegei, Drumul Petricanilor, Dumbravii, Fântînilor, Florilor, Fructelor, Gheorghe Meniuc, Gratiesti, Graţii Stefan, Gribov, Grigore Ureche, Grigore Ureche Ion Mihalache, Mihai Viteazul, Miorita, Miron Costin, Metropolitan Petru Movilă, Nicolae Labiş, Nicolae Milescu Spătaru, Ioan Vodă, Ion Creangă, Ion Soltaşi, Ion Vatamanu, Istrati, Izvoarelor, Livezilor, Mărţişor, Mihai Sadoveanu, Nicolae Testemiteanu, Olimpic, Petricani, Petricani str, Friendship, Primaverii, Prof. Ion Dumeniuk, Rediu, Salcîmilor, Sf.Treime, Suceava, Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt, Tineretului, Ţărinii, Vasile Alecsa ndri, Veronica Micle, Viilor, Vladimir Maiacovski, Vladimir Maiacovski street, Cetatea Albă, Ciprian Porumbescu, Decebal, Luceafărul, M. Drăgan, Nucarilor, M. Eminescu, Gagarin, Dm. Cantemir, Gh. Cosbuc - partially between 09:05 and 17:05, for repairing electrical equipment
11. Anenii Noi:
Anina, Ion Soltîs, Morilor, Nicolae Sulac, Voievozilor, Zimbru - partly between 09:45 - 17:45 for works for deforestation and cutting of branches
Calf - partially between 12:30 and 14:00, for disconnection / connection / change of connection
Ciobanovca - partly between 10:00 and 19:00, for reconstruction of the overhead power line
Hrbrbat - partially between 15:00 - 16:30, for disconnection / connection / change of the connection
Tăinăreni - partially in the time interval between 10:00 - 11:30, for disconnection / connection / change of the connection
12. Basarabeasca:
Konaea, Lev Tolstoi, Pugaceva, Recinaea, Voczalnaea - partly between 11:00 and 12:00, for disconnection / connection / change of the connection
13. Cahul:
Branch: 28 June, 28 June, 8 March, Comsomoliscaea, Crasnova, Iurie Gagarin, Lenin, Molodejnaea, Octeabriscaea str, October, Pogranicinaea, Stefan cel Mare and Sfant, Stefan cel Mare si Sfant, Valentina Terescova , Văleni village - partially in the time interval between 11:00 and 16:00, for admission of third persons to electrical installations
Manta - partly in the period between 09:30 and 18:30, for reconstruction of the overhead power line
14. Cantemir:
Baimaclia - partly in the period between 09:30 and 16:30, for works for changing or mounting the pillars
15. Comrat (ATU Gagauzia):
Lenin, Pobeda, Taras Shevchenko str - in part between 09:20 - 13:00, for repair of electrical equipment
Bascalia: June 28, Bessarabscaea, Boris Glavan, Fountains, s.Bascalia, Sadovaea, Unirii, Zelionaia - partially between 08:00 and 17:00, for repairing electrical equipment
Beşalma: 1 Mai Street, 40 Let Octeabrea, Bogdan S., C. Bodura str-la, Chirov, Colhoznaea, Iurie Gagarin, Lenin, Lesnaea str., Miciurin, Mihail Frunze, Mihail Lermontov, Mira, Pobeda, Besarma, Sadovaea, Serghei Lazo, Taras Shevchenko, Chirsova village: 28 June, Grigore Cotovschi, Iubileina, Iurie Gagarin, Lenin, M. Tanasoglo, Mira, Olimpiiscaea, s.Cirsovo, Sadovaea, Vinzavodskaea - partially in time between 13:00 and 17:00, for repair of electrical equipment
Beşghioz: Chirov, Lenin str. - partly in the time interval between 08:45 - 12:45, for deforecting and cutting of branches
Beşghioz: Lenin, Lenin str, Sadovaea and Serghei Lazo - partly between 13:00 and 17:00, for grubbing and cutting works
Cotovscoe: Calinina str., Calinina str-la, Gheorghi Jucov, Gheorghi Jucov str-la, Grigore Cotovschi, Iurie Gagarin, Lenin, Serghei Lazo, Valentina Tereishkova str-la - partially between 09:00 and 18:30 , for the reconstruction of the overhead power line
Cişmichioi: Cicalov, Dubinina, Dunaiscaea, Dzerjinscogo, Gheorghi Jucov, Gherman Titov, Iurie Gagarin, Lenin, Macarenco, Mihail Lermontov, Nicolai Gogol, Polevaea, Reniiscaea, Solnecinaea - partially between 09.30-18.30 , for the reconstruction of the overhead power line
16. Calarasi:
Alexandru Cel Bun Str., Alexei Mateevici, Alexei Mateevici 2 str., Anton Macarenco, Bojole, Bogdan Petriceicu Haşdeu, Constantin Negruzzi, Constantin Negruzzi 2 str., Gavriil Musicescu, Gavriil Muzicescu 1 street, Gavriil Muzicescu 2 str., Gavriil Muzicescu str. 3, Gavriil Muzicescu 4 street, Gheorghe Asachi 1 str., Ion Sprincesanu, Mihai Kogalniceanu, Mihai Kogalniceanu 1 str., Mihai Kogalniceanu 2 str., Mihai Viteazul, Mihai Viteazul 2 str., Mihail Sadoveanu, Metropolitan Dosoftei, Metropolitan Dosoftei 3 str., Metropolitan Dosoftei 4 str., Metropolitan Varlaam, Metropolitan Varlaam 2 str., Petru Rareş, Vasile Lupu, Viilor, Viilor 1 str., Viilor 2 str-la, Stefan cel Mare - partially between 09:30 - 16:50, for works for deforestation and cutting of branches
Elinetchi str., Podiş, str. 2 Podiş, Ştefan cel Mare - partially between 09:15 - 20:00, for reconstruction of the overhead power line
Mitr. Dosoftei, Mitr. Varlaam - partially in the time interval between 10:00 and 17:00, for reconstruction of the overhead power line
Beautiful, Parcani village - partly in the period between 09:15 - 20:00, for reconstruction of the overhead power line
Pjrjolteni - partly in the period between 09:10 - 20:00, for reconstruction of the overhead power line
Valtinet: August 31, Alexandru cel Bun, A. Donici, A. Mateevici, Stefan cel Mare, Fîntînilor, M. Eminescu, M. Costin, N.M. Spătaru, Petru Rareş, Traian, Victoriei, Vălcineţ - partially between 09:20 - 16:50, for works for changing or mounting the pillars
17. Causeni:
Cainiers - partly in the period between 10:00 and 18:00, for pillar changing or mounting works
Cîrnăţeni - partially between 10:00 and 17:00, for repair of electrical equipment
Opaque - partially between 09:00 and 19:00 for aerial power line reconstruction
Salcuta - partially in the time interval between 10:00 and 18:00, for grubbing and cutting works
18. Cimislia:
Batîr - partly between 09:30 and 18:30, for reconstruction of the overhead power line
Cenac - partly in the period between 09:30 and 13:00, for works for changing or mounting the pillars
Ecaterinovca, Gura Galbenei village, Valea Perjei village - partially between 14:00 and 18:30, for repair of electrical equipment
Suric - partially between 15:00 and 18:00, for pillar changing or mounting works
19. Criuleni:
Baldata - partly in the period between 09:45 - 18:00, for reconstruction of the overhead power line
Dubasarii Vechi - partially between 09:50 - 17:00, for grubbing and cutting works
Miclesti - partly in the period between 09:45 - 12:30, for repairing electrical equipment
Miclesti - partly between 13:00 and 17:00, for repair of electrical equipment
Slobozia Duşca - partly between 09:00 and 18:00, for pillar changing or mounting works
20. Hincesti:
Bucovina Street, Buda, Calinescu, Cogilnic, Dignity, Flowers, Gheorghe Calinescu, Gheorghe Cosbuc, Kindergarten, Mihai Eminescu, Nistru, Petru Movila Street, Prut, Severnii str-la, Trandafirilor between 09:30 and 18:00, for deforecting and cutting of branches
Boghiceni - partly between 13:00 and 21:00, for reconstruction of the overhead power line
Caracui - partly between 09:40 - 17:40, for grubbing and cutting works
Alexandru Donici, Biruinta, Comsomoliscaea, Constantin Stamati, Doina, Dumitru Cretu, Filatova, Flowers, Gemini, Gospitalinaea, Grigore Vieru, Iurie Gagarin, Morozova, N.Berzarin, Oleg Coşevoi, - partially in the time interval between 08:00 and 17:00 for electrical equipment repair work
The crow - partly in the time interval between 08:15 - 21:00 for aerial power reconstruction works
Galbena Fund - partially between 09:00 and 21:00, for reconstruction of the overhead power line
Leuşeni Customs - partially in the period between 09:50 - 17:50, for grubbing and cutting works
Pereni - partly between 08:15 - 21:00 for aerial power reconstruction works
Ion Soltîs, Matrosov, Mihai Eminescu, Mihai Viteazul, Mihail Frunze, Mihail Sadoveanu, Nikolai Vatutin, Octeabriscaea, Ogorodnaea, Mircea Gavrilova, Grigore Cotovschi, Hincesti, Independenţei, Serghei Lazo, Sfântu Gheorghe, Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt - partially between 08:15 - 21:00, for reconstruction of the overhead power line
Voinescu - partially in the period between 09:20 - 20:00, for repairing electrical equipment
21. Ialoveni:
str. Chilia, Gagarin, Ştefănucă Petru - partially between 09:30 and 17:00, for repair of electrical equipment
Costeşti - partly in the period between 09:00 and 20:00, for reconstruction of the overhead power line
Horeşti - partly between 09:00 and 10:30, for connecting new customers
Suruceni, Danceni village - partly in the period between 09:25 - 17:20, for works for changing or mounting the pillars
Chip - partially between 11:00 and 13:00, for disconnection / connection / change of the connection
Zmmbreni - partly in the time interval between 09:00 - 20:00, for aerial power reconstruction works
22. Leova:
Liviu Damian str., Liviu Deleanu, Nicolae Iorga, Unirii - partially between 09:30 and 18:30, for reconstruction of the overhead power line
27 August, Constantin Negruzzi, Dimitrie Cantemir - partly in the period between 09:45 - 16:00, for the deforestation and cutting of the branches
Iargara: Grigore Cotovschi str., Mihai Eminescu, Sf. Dumitru, Stefan Voda - partly between 09:00 and 16:30, for deforestation and cutting of branches
23. Nisporeni:
Bălăneşti - partially between 09:20 - 20:00, for the reconstruction of the overhead power line
Mariners - partly in the period between 09:30 and 17:15, for pillar changing or mounting works
24. Orhei:
Dorobantii Street, Craftsmen, Trojan's Wave - partly between 09:00 and 17:00 for pillar changing or mounting works
Jora de Sus - partly in the time interval between 09:00 and 17:00, for grubbing and cutting works
25. Straseni:
31 August 1989, 31 August 1989 1 st-on, 31 August 1989 2 str-on, 8 March, Alecu Russo, Alexandru Donici, Alexandru Lapusneanu, Alexandru Marinescu, Alexandru Plămădeală, Alexei Şciusev, Andrei Jereghi, Aron Pumnul, Bucovinei , Constantin Negruzzi, Constantin Stere, Dimitrie Cantemir, Doina and Ion Aldea Teodorovici, Eugen Coca, Grigore Ureche, Igor Vieru, Ioan Voda, Ion Vatamanu, Iurie Gagarin, Mihai Eminescu str., Michael Kogalniceanu, Mihai Viteazul, Mihail Sadoveanu, Metropolitan Petru Movilă, Metropolitan Varlaam, Peace, Petru Rareş, Podgoren, Stefan cel Mare and Sfânt, The Roses, Valeriu Cupcea, Valeriu Cupcea str, Vasile Alecsandri, Vasile AlecsandriI str-la, Voda celulit - Partially in the interval between 09 : 45-17: 30, for repair of electrical equipment
Cojuşna: Chişinău str., Mechanizers, V. Cupcea - partially between 10:00 and 13:00 for the admission of third persons to electrical installations
Lozova: Academ. I. Grosu, Dealul Morilor, D. Cantemir, G. Posadov, I. Creangă, M. Eminescu, Mitr. N. Vornicescu - partly in the period between 13:00 and 18:00, for repair of electrical equipment
26. Stefan Voda:
Boris Glavan, Flowers, Ion Creangă, Livezilor, Mihai Eminescu, P.Dudnic, Serghei Lazo, Roses, Valea Verde, Vasile Alecsandri, Vasile Lupu, Victoriei - partially between 15:00 and 18:00, for works for changing or mounting the pillars
Popeasca: Boris Glavan Str., Dimitrie Cantemir, Grigore Cotovschi, Ion Creangă, Ion Soltîs, Iscra, Livezilor, Miciurin, s.Popeasca, Serghei Lazo, Suvorova - partially between 09:40 - 17:40 for works repair of electrical equipment
27. Telenesti:
Chiţcanii Noi, Chîtscanii Vechi, Ţînţăreni village - partially in the time interval between 10:00 - 20:00, for admission of third persons to electrical installations
Order - partly in the period between 09:30 and 17:00, for repair of electrical equipment
For more information, contact the Customer Support Service at 022-43-11-11 or visit www.gasnaturalfenosa.