Incredible case in Sângerei. Baby was born pregnant with another baby
Incredible case at the Mother and Child Institute. A five-month-old baby was operated after the doctors found that his twin brother was carrying his belly. Silvia Cucos says that a few days ago she noticed that her baby had a part of abdomen inflamed. The 24-year-old woman contacted the doctors from Sangerei, the city where she lives.
"He had terrible hurts. He was screaming and puking. After the investigations, the doctors said they have never met such a case before. They didn't tell me exactly what it was, because they were waiting for the tomography results", explained Silvia Cucos.
The doctors advised her to go to a hospital from Chisinau, as they suspected the baby has a tumor at the abdomen. Doctors from Institute of Mother and the Child discovered the young mother the woman was carrying two children.
"He is the first child. The doctors said he had hands and everything, the is a healthy child. We made the first ultrasound in Balti and the doctors said I will have just a kid", mentioned the woman.
It was found that in the belly of the baby was the undeveloped embryo of his twin brother. The doctors say the phenomenon is called "fetus in fetu". When a fertilized egg splits in two, the identical twins normally develop. But the disease makes the separation to be incomplete. The child needed surgery. The surgery lasted for an hour and was complicated because the undeveloped fetus had a length of just 13 centimeters.
Now, the condition of the baby is better. According to the statistics, at every 80 minutes, at the Institute of Mother and the Child appears a baby.