Local authorities appreciate Good roads for Moldova project launched by Democratic Party
Local authorities appreciate the launching of "Good roads for Moldova" launched by the Democratic Party. The district presidents and mayors agreed to cooperate with the Government for realizing this project. The subject was discussed within a meeting with Pavel Filip, the prime minister of Moldova.
"The Government will allocate the necessary resorucers to repair over 1 200 road kilometers in the villages. We want to repair the biggest road network from the country till the end of this year", declared Pavel Filip.
The public administration and the district authorities say that this project is very important for the citizens.
"It is pretty clear that there is a cooperation between the local and district authorities and the things have already started to change", declared Nicolae Gorban, the President of Causeni district.
"There are some good initiatives and Alexandru Jizdan, the Intern Affairs Ministru said how important is this project for all the citizens", said Lucia Gusciuc, mayor of Cotul Morii village, Hancesti dristrict.
At the meeting there, Alexandru Jizdan who talked about the actions that should be implemented by the local authorities to combat the domestic violence.
"During 2017, in Republic of Moldova there were registered 853 crimes on domestic violence, comparing to 1 679 in 2016", declared Alexandru Jizdan, MAI Minister.
The event gathered approximately 900 mayors and a district president. The last time when the Government chief hold such a meeting on February 1st.