Local elections 2018. Promo-LEX observers noticed many electoral frauds
Organized transportation, unsealed ballots and photo of the ballots are some of the breaches noticed by Promo-LEX during the day. Till the afternoon, the most frequent breaches were registered in Botanica sector.
"The first cases of breaches appeared at the No.84 and No.220 polling stations. In the first polling station, there were found observers who didn't have an accreditation card. In the No.220 polling station the members of a party were too aggressive", said Pavel Postica, Promo-LEX director.
The Promo-LEX observers revealed many elections billboards near two polling stations, while the Elections Council from Chisinau says that in Rascani sector, at the No.220 section there were brought 23 requests for the mobile voting booth among which, 16 were annulled.
The first cases of transporting there were registered in Tohatin, as many of the citizens eligible to vote were drunks.
There were many cases when the citizens were making photos of the ballots.
At the No.248 voting booth, one citizen requested another ballot, because he voted for the candidate he doesn't support. The request was rejected.