Measures to escape from bureaucracy
The identity cards will be perfected easier and faster. The Government made a decision to eliminate many documents that were required in the past for getting a passport or an ID. The new decision simplifies the procedure of changing the residence visa too.
''In the first place,in the past it was necessary to present the acts about the civil status. Now, we can check it in the State Registry of the population'', said Diana Tacu, the chief of the Civil Status Service.
Due to those modifications, people won't stay in rows anymore, to get those documents.
''It won't be a chaos anymore. For example I stay here from 8 am.''
''It is very convenient. We won't stay hours in a row anymore.''
''After a fire that destroyed our house, all the acts were destroyed too. I could have made them faster and easier than I did.''
The decision established a collaboration between the passports bureaus and the structures that force the citizens to leave the country.
''There were cases when the persons had liabilities or fines and we didn't give them the documents. Till 2016, there were over 6 500 cases monthly. Due to the new decision, this interdiction only the the judge can make those decisions'', said Stelian Gorincioi, department chief at the Public Service Agency.
The target of the modifications is to escape from the bureaucracy.
The document will be published in Moldova' official monitor in two weeks.