Moldindconbank leads the financial stability ranking of Moldovan banks
Moldindconbank is the leader in the banking sector in the second quarter of 2020, according to the assessment of the business magazine "Banks and Finance". The July-August issue of the magazine notes that Moldindconbank ranked first among banks with assets of more than 50% of the average value of assets in the banking system, receiving a score of 13.83 points.
The authors of the rating point out that the leading position of Moldindconbank is confirmed both by qualitative indicators related to the value of assets, as well as by calculations that do not consider this parameter.
Among the findings of the "Banks and Finance" magazine, are the increase of the loan portfolio of Moldindconbank and, at the same time, the improvement of its quality, as well as the increase of the deposit portfolio.
When analyzing the qualitative aspects, the experts took into account several factors, including the reputation and country of origin of the independent auditor of the bank, the country of origin of the owners of the financial institution, the brand and reputation of the bank, etc.