The economy of Moldova is more free than last year. Our country has climbed five positions in the annual Heritage Foundation ranking and ranks 105 out of 180 states, according to the Economic Freedom Index.
Moldova recorded a 0.4 percent gain in this year's report and gained a score of 58.4 points out of 100. We are better than Russia and Ukraine on 107 and 150 respectively.
In contrast,
Romania competes in this chapter, occupying position 37.Our country has made progress in respecting property rights, judicial efficiency, government spending, freedom of labor and money, and business.
At the financial freedom and investment chapters we received the same score as last year. "Heritage Foundation" notes that our country has the potential to climb, but embargoes imposed by Russia, Moscow's involvement in Moldova's internal affairs, and the Transnistrian issue are pulling us down.
The countries with the most free economy are Hong Kong, Singapore and New Zealand. At the opposite end are Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea.