Moldovan KOK fighters managing best knocks out in 2016
2016 has been a successful year for the Moldovan KOK fighters. They have displayed their values at home and abroad.
The national federation has compiled a Top-10 of the toughest knock-outs in 2016, which were recorded sat KOK galas.
The third place gets to Alexandru Burduja, who knocked out Serghei Liubcenko at the Chișinău gala of October 1.
Nicolae Cărăuş comes the second. The Moldovan fighters defeated Bogdan Năstase on December 10, at the last gala of the year.
The most ‘beautiful’ knock-out was managed by Aurel Ignat, who downed Daniel Alexandru at the same KOK Gala of December 10.
The next KOK Gala will take place in Chişinău in April.