Moldovans from all over the world invested 1,1 million lei to develop Moldova
3 400 Moldovans who live abroad sent 1,1 million lei to develop their native villages and towns, through a crowdfunding campaign. During three months, Moldovans from 25 countries sent money. The campaign took place due to the Native Associations in partnership with the City Halls. The associations were created with the support of the Migrations and local development programs, implemented by the United Nations Development Program and funded by the Switzerland Government.
Thus, the living conditions will be better in 13 villages from the country, due to the new local services: drinking water supply, evacuation of the trash, public illumination, sport and so on.
These projects were chosen by the mayors after asking the citizens through online messages. The questionnaires were completed both by natives and Diaspora Moldovans.
Each village that launched a crowdfunding on should provide the transparency of the project. Over 20 000 people entered information about the projects.
"These campaigns managed to transform the migration in one of the main villages' problem", sadi Adrian Ermurachi, the general secretary of the Government.
Totally, there were collected 1,1 million lei. The biggest transferred amount is 500 USD and the smallest, 24 lei. To this sum, there was added the contributions of the 13 city halls (127.000 USD).
The project is implemented in 38 villages (25 are at the first stage of the project and 13 at the second). The villages were selected based on a contest.