Monica Babuc: School optimizations were rushed and mistakes were made
Minister Monica Babuc has declared at PDM's weekly session that Minister of Education, Culture and Research has created four indicator groups, based on which will be evaluated the process of optimizing school in the country.
"We discussed about how the process of school optimization was done. We spear of reevaluating and modernizing the school curriculum. We discussed about of continuous formation of teaching staff. Such things are always discussed with citizens, so that after launching various initiatives for education the first evaluation will already be done and today were presented to our party colleagues.
After the first evaluation made by Education Ministry, during 2010-2017, in Moldova were closed 2018 school and reorganized 303, the main reason serving the small number of pupils, insufficient material base, lack of teachers or the regions where the reorganization took place. Still, we got convinced that this in this process was rushed and some actions taken that can be considered as mistakes. In this context, we stating a dialogue with local public authorities to evaluate the process of school optimization. For this, Ministry of Education, Culture and Research has created four groups that will do said evaluation", Monica Babuc mentioned.
In this context, Monica Babuc has offered explanation regarding how the process of evaluating schools optimization will take place.
"The First group will look over the economic impact of the process. To understand what will be the economic advantages, is any exist at all. How the finances were used, if they were used to maintain and improve the education system. The second and third group will review the impact upon the human factor, how parents are supposed to take children to school, how pupils are fed. We wish to also see what will be the teacher's conditions after the optimization, namely their work environment and transportation. The fourth group will establish what will be the impact were the school to close down for local residents implicated in the process" Minister of Education, Culture and Research explained.
At the same time, Monica Babauc declared that Ministry of Education, Culture and Research wishes to create projects to modify the Education law, namely the implication of the Ministry in decision making when it comes to re-organizing the education institution networks.
PUBLIKA reminds that Education reform begun back in 2010. Authorities believed at the time that such changes will ensure better conditions in School from pupils and use more efficiently public money. But all the reform managed to bring is displeasure among teachers and parents. Hundreds of teachers lost their jobs and thousands of children dropped out.
A structural reform in Education begun in 2005, when the Government was controlled by the Communist Party. Even then, the main aim was to save State Budget money.