New law in Moldova. Investments can now be made in renewable energy
The Parliament voted within the Friday session a vast range of modifications on the law about the renewable energy. The new stipulations were supported by 58 deputies.
The modifications target to harmonize the legislation of Republic of Moldova in the renewable energy sphere to the EU acquis from the Energy Batch III. Also, there were established the new support mechanisms for producing and using renewable energy.
The modifications will offer the investors a higher clarity in the renewable energy sphere.
The period for offering the funds was approved. Thus, the power plants will be built between 24 and 36 months. At the same time, the National Agency for Energy Regulation will confirm the status of official provider for the development of the projects, interested to invest in renewable energy.
At the same time, there were introduced the terms of guarantee in the legislation were introduced the notions of performance guarantee of the contract, tender guarantee and participation guarantee.
The Government will establish the rules for the organization and conduct of capacity auctions for the production of electricity from renewable sources so as to promote competition among major investors.