New ministers were presented to their colleagues. What did they say in their first declarations?
In a short time after taking the oath, the new Government's members sat on their armchairs. Pavel Filip, the Prime Minister of Moldova presented each minister to their colleagues.
It was a challenge for Alexandru Tanase to take part of the Government and he accepted it, because he doesn't agree with many things in the justice.
"Everyone should use any opportunity to make a change", mentioned Alexandru Tanase.
Tanase's gesture was appreciated by the Prime Minister.
"Alexandru Tanase is a good Judge and he will make good changes in justice', mentioned Pavel Filip.
Tudor Ulianovschi, the new Foreign Affairs Minister started his carer in 2005 and he was promoted to the deputy minister function. The prime minister reminded him that the European integration is the basis of the government's program.
"The burden of the Foreign Affairs Ministry is not simple. Between 2016 and 2017 we managed to improve our discussions with the foreign partners", mentioned Pavel Filip.
"We know our forces, capacities and we will begin our work from the first day. Of course, the burden in not impossible to face", said Tudor Ulianovschi, the new Foreign Affairs Minister.
The health ministry met the prime minister and the new health minister, Svetlana Cebotari with flowers.
"Thank you. I didn't expect flowers. This thing doesn't happen very often", said Pavel Filip.
The new minister assured that all the new implemented politics will be better for the citizens.
"We will work as much as it will be required to provide medical services of high quality", said Svetlana Cebotari.