One more family from Balti bought house due First House project
A new family received a house within First House project. The young family is from Balti, they will celebrate their weeding this months and signed the contract of taking a loan for the bank. They decided to move till the end of this week.
The two of them bought a two rooms apartment, as they are waiting for a child. Octavian and Marina aged of 29 and 20 said that the procedure was an easy one.
"We found our about this project from the TV. It didn't even appear in the Official Monitor, but we had already known about its opportunities for us. We wanted to buy a flat, but its costs is to high for us, this is why we appealed to this project", said Octavian Volentir.
The couple bought a two rooms apartment worth 21 thousand euros.
"It is repaired, we like everything about it. Monthly, we should return 3 800 lei during ten years, but we will try to do it faster, if we will have the possibility", said Marina Volentir.
The bank where they applied to the program made them a surprise.
"Volentir family receives a 1 500 lei bonus, 50% of the commission. Also, they will receive a bonus for allowance, worth 25%", said Larisa Paslariuc, bank director.
Octavian Volentir says that this project will motivate the Moldovans to remain home.
"People won't go abroad. I don't want to leave Republic of Moldova. I don't want to leave abroad", said Octavian Volentir, First House beneficiary.
This is the second family from Balti that bought a house due to First House project. The requests to take a loan can be applied at Moldindconbank, Victoriabank, Moldova-Agroindbank and Mobiasbanca.
The most expensive house is worth one million lei, that requires a 10% advance. The beneficiaries can be Moldovan citizens aged of up tp 45, employed and who doesn't have other loans. The project was launched at Pavel Filip's initiative.