Over 1.000 pupils have the highest mark at the foreign language baccalaureate exam
Over one thousand pupils from the country got mark 10 for the foreign language baccalaureate exam. It is about the ones who have international examination. The number of such pupils increases from year to year.
According to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, this year, 220 more pupils got the international recognition of the foreign language certificate.
The data shows that 900 pupils will not have to pass the foreign language exam. Thus, of the total number, 88 won't write the French exam, 30 - German language and 19 Spanish.
Seven pupils won't write the exam on Italian language.
At a lyceum from the Capital, all the pupils of a class won't have to pass this exam.
"I made courses at the France alliance, thus, I won't have to pass this exam."
"The movies and the music helped me a lot."
The pupils also say that they want to have a high mark when they graduate.
"I have no idea how it is to prepare for the baccalaureate exam. I have learned enough in 12 years."
The English teachers of this lyceum say that she is proud of her pupils.
"They are getting involved in many international projects during the summer. It allows them to improve their English. Also, they read very much. Many of them read books in English", said Angela Mamaliga, English teacher.
The main baccalaureate exam session will take place between June 4 and 21. This year, 18 thousand pupils will write the exam. 2500 of them didn't pass the exams last year, thus, they have to do it this year.