Pavel Filip at the Parliament: Reforms brought benefits that can be felt by citizens
The central public administrative reform, control bodies reform, encouragement for investments, increasing workplaces and bigger allocations for social and health programs. Those are only a few of the Government's achievement in 2017. Prime Minister presented today an activity report in the Parliament.
"We begun those changes from the most painful point, from the Government. In 2017, we initiated a central public administrative reform. Over 100 million lei were saved due to the optimization of administrative expenses" Pavel Filip declared.
The number of ministries, as well Government's staff was reduced by half. While the salaries were increased on average by over 80%. According to Pavel Filip, it means the employees are better paid, more qualified and efficient.
The Government has also found a solutions for people to no longer need to stand in lines, having launched the single desks, offering over 1000 services. Already, 6 out of the planned 38 windows are functional.
The executive has also concentrated on stabilizing the banking sector.
"Another positive sign is the slight increase of offered loans, as well as deposits, which means that people are starting to trust again the banking system, especially since loan rates decreased lately. Loans are linked to economic development" Prime Minister declared.
Changes could also be felt by businessmen. The number of necessary documents decreased, as well as the time required to gain them by three times. At the same time, the number of control bodies were reduced.
Due to this reform, the private and public sector saves over 100 million lei every year. Pavel Filip declared that the Government managed to recover the trust of foreign partners. Shortly, IMF will offer Moldova a new tranche of 35 million USD, while European Union announced that it will offer a 100 million Euro assistance.
"When I became Prime Minister, foreign debtors, IMF, World Bank, froze all relations with Moldova, while European Union suspended all financing. Nevertheless we proved that we can work better when under pressure" Pavel Filip declared.
The official recalled that last year, salaries, indemnities and allocations rose. Due to big revenues to the state budget, the pension reform was also performed faster then expected. The First House project of the Government also stimulates young people to remain in Moldova.
Over 60 000 new workplaces were also created. This year, authorities wish to also repair 1 200 km of roads in 1 200 settlements.
Pavel Filip claims that the Government knows what it has to do to improve the lives of citizens. Three priorities for 2019-2021 are: education justice and infrastructure.