People felt cold, despite thermometers indicating warmth all over Moldova
Despite thermometers showing a warm weather, the human body has perceived it as cold. According to the National Meteo Service, this morning multiple regions of Moldova have felt low temperatures. The coldest was in Briceni, where the thermal index indicated nearly - 6 degrees Celsius.
Citizens from Cahul and Chisinau have also felt the cold in their bones, feeling this morning as low though it was - 3 degrees Celsius. Other regions where low temperatures were felt are: Ceadîr-Lunga, Ştefan Vodă, Făleşti and Comrat.
Still, the coldest was felt at Bravicea, from Călăraşi, where at 7 AM this morning the thermal index have indicated closely to - 1 degree Celsius.
Temperatures rose the most at Chisinau, where the citizens could feel as though it was as far as 6 degrees Celsius.
Meteorologists have issued a Yellow warning of frost that will be maintained to September 30. At the same time, people can expect frost on 1st and 2nd of October.