Premier for Moldova: Donduseni to offer foreign investors investment passport. What is it about?
Donduseni district will have its own investment passport to prove key information to potential foreign investors. This is premiere for our country.
The document covers major information about priority areas of activity, real estate and land aimed for business development.
Ten specialists are working on this document and expect for its release in May.
The authorities hope the document to stimulate financiers' interests towards economy of district.
"It gives us chance to systematize our potentials to attract new investors. We have already created over 120 new jobs which women dominate. According to data, we still need more 2500 jobs", said Vadim Lesnic, the president of Donduseni district.
Authorities also opt to change training areas of the two colleges in the district to offer graduates suitable training for labor market.
"We can retrain and offer majors the district demands nowadays," said Maria Rotaru, head of the CR Donduseni Department of Economy.
District residents welcome the intention of the authorities:
"Everyone will remain home if there are more jobs in our district".
Over 4300 economic agents are operating in Donduseni district.