Public service workers with special status within Ministry of Internal Affairs will receive allowances to pay the rent
The public service workers with a special statute within the Ministry of Internal Affairs who don't have their own house will benefit of an allowance for renting a flat. The draft was approved today within the Government session.
The regulation provides a way to establish and pay an allowance that is not bigger than their salary. The documents that should be applied by the public workers are the following ones:
1. the request of the worker who has a special status
2. a copy of the renting contract
3.the certificate issued by the territorial cadastre body, which confirms that the employee with special status and his family does not have housing in the given locality, renewed annually at the beginning of January.
The financial services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the administration and the institutions of subordination will pay the allowance based on the decision of the profile committee.
The compensation shall be calculated from the date of conclusion of the lease except for civil servants with special status who, at the date of entry into force of this judgment, have signed a lease (they are entitled to claim compensation within a maximum of 2 months since the request was made). The allowance will be paid monthly.