Publika TV team threatened by snowdrop sellers
White, with a good smell, but rare, the snowdrops are good sold at the edge of the forests. In Orhei districts the salesmen and saleswomen sale snowdrops daily on a 30 lei price.
Publika TV team tried to find out where did these people find the snowdrops and were threatened by the saleswomen: "-Go away or I will bit you. -Why are you attacking me? -Why does he film me? -Why are you selling rare flowers? -I will beat you."
A woman sales snowdrops daily on Orhei-Chisinau road to gather money for food: "I can stay till the evening here and I only sell one or two buckets. Today, I didn't sell anything. -Do you know that the selling of snowdrops is illegal? -Yes, but I need to have money for food.
The representatives of Orhei Ecology Inspectorate say that they talked with the police to install traffic indicators that forbid the cars to stop here. Now, the inspectors organized raids to stop the snowdrops selling.
"These persons sell these things without any documents that provide the selling. We make raids. The raids effects are not successful", said Stefan Mihalas, the chief of Orheni Ecology Inspectorate.
In the Capital there are sold buckets and exhibitions made of snowdrops. The sellers say that those are raised in greenhouses. The persons who sell rare flowers are fined with 1 500 - 3 000 lei.