Republic of Moldova delegation found where our pilots who were kept hostage are located
A week after the official request to the Russian authorities regarding the condition of the Moldovan citizens, Lionel Buruiana and Mihai Crihan that haven't been replied, our authorities made everything possible to find where our citizens are located.
The Moldovan authorities have been allowed to discuss only 10 minutes with the hostages.
Moldovan officials were summoned by security agencies and only after several hours of talks with the leadership of the NGO they have been allowed to talk with the countrymen, respecting some unfounded conditions that contravene the law international and common sense - limiting the topics of discussion.
One of the forbidden subject was that of the period when our citizens were in that hospital.
Before securing access, the guards requested members of the delegation to hand over telephones and any other electronic devices, although only a few days before that restriction was abolished in relation to several people, including journalists, who were allowed to see the Moldovan citizens.
Big questions have also been raised by the thorough checks made on the identity of the Moldovan delegation, made up of representatives of the MAEIE and accredited diplomats from the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in the Russian Federation.
The work done by the guards, who said they were performing these duties on behalf of an NGO.
Due to the extremely short time spent with the two Moldovan citizens and the banning of some subjects, the government delegation was not able to make a detailed assessment of their situation.
However, the medical framework present in the delegation found that the health of the two citizens allowed them to be immediately transported to the Republic of Moldova.
During the mission that the government delegation had in Moscow, which ended with this short-term meeting with the two Moldovan citizens, we find a series of situations that give rise to a deep concern about the way in which our fellow citizens are detained and treated, the total approach non-expressive and selective cooperation of the NGO, which holds them, with the representatives of various state institutions in the Republic of Moldova.
In particular, the complete ignorance of the addresses of the Government representatives, on the one hand, and the fulfillment of all requests for access to the two pilots of a public official from another state institution.
All the governmental delegation's findings will be made available to the relevant institutions, who will handle the case of the two pilots, and the MAEIE, with other state institutions, will make every effort to ensure that the two Moldovan citizens arrive as soon as possible. conditions of complete safety.