Scores of NGOs stand up for uninominal voting
Over 40 NGOs have sent a letter to European institutions and embassies in Chișinău stating their support for the uninominal voting system.
Among them: Consiliul Național al Organizațiilor Studențești din Moldova, Asociaţia Oamenilor de Afaceri din Moldova, Fundația pentru Relații Moldo-Japoneze, Partidul Verde Ecologist din Moldova, Asociația Fondul Scrisului și Culturii Slavone din Moldova, Asociația Tineretului Ucrainean din Moldova „Zlagoda”, Comunitatea Femeilor Ucrainene din Moldova, Comunitatea Găgăuză din Republica Moldova, Uniunea Polonezilor, Centrul Național al Romilor, Congresul Azerilor din Republica Moldova, Centrul de Politici și Strategii în sănătate, Asociaţia obştească "Angelus-Moldova", etc.
According to the signatories, changing the electoral system would be a good step to improve the relation between politicians and people, and this change is wanted both by citizens living in the country and abroad.
The document draws one’s attention that certain political actors started an anti-campaign and do not come up with concrete solutions concerning the return of the citizens’ truts in politicians.
According to the signatory NGOs, these political parties are not ready enough to offer voters credible figures for uninominal elections.
Polls show about 80 % of citizens back the introduction of the uninominal voting.
The bill drafted by the Democratic Party from Moldova was sent to the Venice Commission and subjected to debates in the Parliament.
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