Silvia Radu accuses TV8 of breaching journalist's ethics
Silvia Radu, the interim of the Capital accuses the TV8 journalists of breaching the journalist's ethics. The interim says that the reporters of the TV channel interviewed her nine years old daughter for a report.
On her post from a social media page, Silvia Radu wrote that everything took place without her approval. The mayor declared that the TV8 journalists breached the ethics.
"You want people to trust you, but you have a bad behavior. Shame on you", wrote Silvia Radu in her post.
The TV8 reaction was unexpected. In a short time, the editorship of the TV channel wrote a reply to Silvia Radu. According to the declaration, the children was filmed, but the images weren't used in the report about snow cleaning.
Later, in another Facebook post, Silvia Radu declared that the journalists tried to ask the child about who cleans their house and the yard.
According to Nadin Gogu, the director of Center for Independent Journalism, the journalists didn't encroach the ethics. Other experts of the Center of Journalistic Investigations, as Cornelia Cozonac and Lilia Zaharia, journalist at Association of Independent Press refused to comment on this situation.
"According to the report of TV8, I can say that there aren't any breaches of deontology code. On the images didn't appear any minors. Thus, the accusations of Silvia Radu are unfounded", said Nadin Gogu, the director of the Center for Independent Journalism.