Small raspberry harvest causes prices to jump. How much is a kilogram sold for
This year's small raspberry harvest causes prices to jump. Farmers from Pocrovca village, Donduşeni, claims that this year raspberry will be more expensive due to there being few fruits, due to lack of rains.
A kilogram of raspberry is currently sold at 40 lei, by 25 lei more than the previous year.
Pocrovca village is known for its raspberries. Ștefan Șcerbacov has a 20 hectares plantation. He claims that this year, there is 70% less harvest than in 2017.
"If it will not rain the prices will most likely not change. Compared to previous years, we would collect 150 tonnes of raspberries per day, now it is only around 50" Ștefan Șcerbacov said.
The farmer is exporting nearly 90% of the fruits to Russia, the rest being sold in Moldova.
"For Chisinau we pack them in boxes by 5 kg, while for Russia in boxes by 500 grams. Now, they wish them in even less quantities, around 250 grams" Ștefan Șcerbacov said.
Workers are happy to be employed in their own village. They claim that special methods are used to collect the raspberries.
"We do not let them ripe too much, collect them while pink, so they will ripe on their way."
"I am working here for the past four years and am happy. There is work to be done all year round."
Other farmers from Pocrovca also complain of little harvest.
"The lack of rain has caused little raspberries to appear. Usually, there are many people working and we rush to collect it all in time" farmer Nicolai Latîșev said.
"There is no rain." farmer Simion Zaițe said.
According to ANSA, to this point, Moldovan farmers exported 19 tonnes of raspberries.