Social Partnership System will be perfected and consolidated
Social Partnership System will be perfected and consolidated. The Parliament approved during today's meeting to change the legislation regarding the organization and operating of National Commission for Collective Bargaining and Consultation, the Committee for Consultation and Collective Bargaining at Branch and Territorial Levels.
The changes aim to extend the rights of the National Commission and detailing procedures related to the organization's activity of both the National Commission, as well as Territorial and Branch Commissions. At the same time, the legislation will gain a new chapter, that will regulate in details the new organizational method of the branch commissions. Those commissions will constitute in branches where representatives of a social partner lacks.
The new changes aim to support the Decent Work Country Program, that has among its elaborated priorities, agreed upon with social partners, a new law aiming to consolidate state institutions and social partners for an efficient dialogue.
The project was approved in the first reading, being voted pro by most present deputies.