Specialized centers for autistics to be installed in Moldova
Special intervention centers for children and adults with Autistic Diseases will work in the Republic of Moldova. A framework regulation for their organization and functioning and minimum quality standards have been discussed today at the Government session.
The purpose of creating such centers is to provide children and young adults with TSA or their risk of developing, to provide support for parents to maximize the potential of child development and support for young adults for medical-social rehabilitation, social and educational inclusion, as well as preventing the abandonment and institutionalization of this category.
Within these centers, specialized support will be provided to children and young adults in maximizing the potential of their physical, cognitive, socio-emotional, communicative, adaptive capacity, mental health, correction, speech therapy, kinetotherapy, psycho-pedagogical and psychological services.
The Centers can be set up by the central public administration authorities, local public administration authorities of level II, non-commercial organizations in the country and internationally in coordination with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection and local public authorities in partnership with non-commercial or private organizations based on of a joint activity agreement.
The money needed to set up a specialized intervention center for autistic spectrum disorders is estimated at over 1 million lei.
The purpose of creating such centers is to provide children and young adults with TSA or their risk of developing, to provide support for parents to maximize the potential of child development and support for young adults for medical-social rehabilitation, social and educational inclusion, as well as preventing the abandonment and institutionalization of this category.
Within these centers, specialized support will be provided to children and young adults in maximizing the potential of their physical, cognitive, socio-emotional, communicative, adaptive capacity, mental health, correction, speech therapy, kinetotherapy, psycho-pedagogical and psychological services.
The Centers can be set up by the central public administration authorities, local public administration authorities of level II, non-commercial organizations in the country and internationally in coordination with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection and local public authorities in partnership with non-commercial or private organizations based on of a joint activity agreement.
The money needed to set up a specialized intervention center for autistic spectrum disorders is estimated at over 1 million lei.