Sports federations official about Chisinau Arena: It will host international competitions
The representatives of the national sports federation from Moldova supports the Chisinau Arena project. Within the first public consultations with the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure, they appreciated the initiative and came up with suggestions to realize the project.
The representatives of the sports quorums mentioned that they would like to see there many training halls, a medical center and a canteen.
"The Chisinau Arena is welcomed by the Moldovan sports communities, especially by the handball one, because it will be able to host the international competitions", said Nicolae Vizitiu, the general secretary of the Moldovan Handball Federation.
"The Dump-bells federation requests should be taken into consideration", said Antonia Confliti, the deputy president of the Moldovan Hand-Bell Federation.
"We had the opportunity to spend seminars with the Europeans and they advised us to host the international competitions here, because Moldova has a convenient geographic position and it will be able to host sport competitions from all over the world", said Marian Stan, the President of the Moldovan Badminton Federation.
At the end of the consultation, Chiril Gaburici asked the participants to write all their desires regarding the Chisinau Arena project.
"What about the international competitions, I want everyone interested to write their requests. We want to attract the international competitions, because this will develop our economy", said Chiril Gaburici, the minister of Economy and Infrastructure.
"It it won't fit the required characteristics, then, it wound't be able to host the international competitions", said Nicolae Juravschi, the CNOS President.
The Chisinau Arena will have a 10 ha surface and will be placed in Stauceni.