Tens of schools from Capital are not connected to heat yet
Tens of schools from the Capital don't have heat yet and the students are obliged to face the cold from the classes. The children from ''Lucian Blaga'' Lyceum say it is very hard to concentrate because of the cold. The lyceum's administration says they received the indications that they'll be connected to heat, yesterday. However, they decided to heat the lyceum after they will come back from the holidays.
The children are dressed very well, with coats, scarves and hats. The temperature from outside is almost the same as the one inside:
''In the first place,in the big rooms, it is so cold and not all of the students can support the cold, in the second place, I don't know how much will we resist like that, in the third place, many of the students are already ill.''
''It is so cold. We stay with our scarves, many girls are even dressed in their coats.''
The teachers and the parents say it is impossible to study in such conditions. In some cabinets, they use appliances for heat, during the lessons.''
''It is so cold. I am going to the doctor, because I caught a cold. I dress myself very well, but it is cold anyway.''
The interim of the lyceum say after the holidays the institution will be connected to heat.
''We are at the first step on heat connection. It is cold, but we try to face this situation somehow. The children try to be well dressed during the classes, the same do the teachers'', mentioned Iulia Croitor, the interim of the lyceum.
The majority of the block of flats from the Capital are not connected to the heat yet. Many of the people who have children want to be connected, but the old say it is not that cold.
A similar case is on Ion Neculce 1/2 street:
''We are not connected to the heat yet. My children are already ill, the son stays at home. He wants to play in the room and we need to connect all the resources we have, to make the room a little bit warmer.''
''It is too early for the heat to be connected. The City Hall raised the prices of the heat.''
The directress of the block says nobody asked her to make a request for heat.
''Nobody told me they want the heat now.
-Are there people with children who want the heat to be connected?
-The people of the same age as me say they don't want the heat yet'', said Maria Sirbu, the directress of the block.
The Director of ''Termoelectrica'', Veaceslav Ene says that each block has a counter that is in the manager's care. So, if they want the heat to be connected, they can ask the manager of the block of flats.
From 4 088 objects, only 1 600 were connected to heat: 122 of kindergartens, 67 schools, 46 medical institutions and over 1 200 schools.