Tens of women are killed annually in Moldova by drunk or jealous men
foto: Symbolic // Publika.md
Tens of Moldovan women are annually killed by jealous or drunk husbands or lovers, according to a ranking made by an Italian think tank. Latvia is on the first place, as Moldova shares the second position with Belarus and Lithuania.
Two women at 100,000 are annually killed in Moldova. 168 murders were recorded in 2016 in Moldova, 48 being women.
The men aggressive with their women suffer from complexes, says psychologist Elena Cavaliov: "When the man realizes the reality does not correspond to his expectations, he cannot accomplish his goals, then he starts feeling a looser. He then pours his emotions over the weaker ones."
Another reason is jealousy. 61 murders have been recorded this year in Moldova and 17 victims are women.